AF Quick’n’Dirty (or, this is what we’ve all forgotten)
It’s been twenty-five years since the death of the original Death Star at Yavin IV. The Aurora Force has spent the better part of the last two decades operating in the Kartuiin Sector, Rimside. The new Republic is still scrambling to respond to the new, looming thread in the galaxy posed by the Yuuzhan Vong, who have already attacked Helska, Sernpidal, Dubrillion, Garqi, and Dantooine. Within the Kartuiin Sector and its immediate environs, Xenen has already been attacked once, a feint designed to test military forces in the Kartuiin Sector. Though the day ended with the Vong leaving the system, New Republic forces—and their allies, the Golgan Defense Forces under the command of former Aurora Force XO, General Carlos Delong—learned from the Vong attack that they were wholly unprepared for what they faced. Since then, GDF installations have suffered attack as well and word has reached the Aurora Force that one of the Vong commanders is none other than former Aurora Force flag officer Alexander Kerensky, now become the Vong commander known as Deimos. The fighting forces of the New Republic in the Kartuiin Sector, through engagements with the Vong, has been cut by roughly 70% in the past four months. Commanding officer of New Republic forces in the Kartuiin Sector, Admiral Indiana Bridger, in the wake of the resignation of her former XO, Kirghy Lommax, has selected a new executive officer, General Janet Skyy Wyler, lately returned to New Republic service. Admiral Bridger has put out a call to all former members of the Aurora Force, inviting them to return to their commissions and benefits for the duration. Most have not answered the call.
The sector and its allies are in dire straits. Planetary defenses throughout the sector cannot withstand sustained attack and the fleet is spread dangerously thin. Worse yet, the enemy has intimate knowledge of the commanders he faces. The Republic forces, however, are aware of Kerensky’s transformation into Deimos. His oldest child, his daughter Natasha Kerensky, has escaped her father’s shadow and fled to the only people who may be able to help her: the men and women of the Aurora Force. The teenager holds the key to taking down Deimos and weakening the Vong operating in the Kartuiin Sector, which the New Republic increasingly views as expendable.
Forces are in motion at Golgan III, where Carlos Delong has prepared some nasty surprises for the Vong invaders in the Aten-Re system. With Aurora Force commando and starfighter support, GDF naval forces have engaged the Vong at the important Aten-Re waypoint.
Meanwhile, New Republic forces including Guardian patriarch Robert Delong and his wife Talia as well as the New Republic Sixth Fleet under VA Michael Bullian are on their way to Ithor to blockade the system against an impending Vong invasion of the peaceful world.
The fate of trade agreements, such as treaties between the Republic-held Kartuiin Sector and the independent Namis system, remain unknown. The impending Vong threat has strengthened ties between the Sector government and that of the independent Golgan III, however, even as relations between both the Sector and Golgan III and the New Republic become increasingly strained. The reckoning is coming…
Random notes/kind of important miscellany
- Existence of the Aurora Force Fourth Fleet no longer officially disavowed; the Hole is now a known element of the Aurora Force’s fleet structure.
- Tempest Control is now an elite military police and intelligence gathering organization independent from but working with New Republic Intelligence and local authorities.
Reinstated to active service
- General Janet Skyy, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector XO
- General Tag Rendar, NRI Sector 27 – Senior agent
- Commodore Dalsuna Losoda, NRM Forces – Aurora Force Fleet Command Research and Development
- Commander Robert Drake, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector, Tempest Control CO
- Colonel Alex Grentarii, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector, Aurora Force
- Major Howdern Harm, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector, Aurora Force
- Major Robyn Hoode-Scarlett, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector, 58th Urban Commandos
Recruited to Active Service
- Captain Marcus Wyler, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector
- Lieutenant Trystan Chase Kel-Solan, MD, NRM Forces – Kartuiin Sector
Deaths and Losses
- Aurora Force Fifth Fleet, no known survivors
- Jedi Master Jinx Katarn
Current disposition (as near as I can figure) of New Republic/Aurora Force forces in the Kartuiin Sector
- AFFC Home Guard, Flagship ISD-II Dashan, all in-system at Xenea. Imladris undergoing major repairs.
- Second Fleet on escort duty out-system (Blue Rose under General Jeff Sparks on escort to Kartuiin).
- Third Fleet on patrol duty out-system
- Sentinels Pickett Group, Flagship Five-Star Legacy in-system at Xenea on maneuvers. Most ships are at the edge of the system as of this writing.
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