Vong War Annals – “Sentinels” 6.03.08

Approximately 0700 Xenen local

            Captain Cay Bel Iblis made his way along the concourse of Wayfarer at a brisk walk.  Not an unusual occurance, but not exactly something anyone really expected to see the morning after his wedding, and certainly not in his duty uniform.
            “Well, don’t you look chipper this morning.”  Commander Dorrin Drake fell into step beside him carrying two cups of caf, he passed one of them to his commanding officer.
            “Well, silly me.  I thought the Vong might actually let me have at least one breakfast with my wife before heating the war up again.”  Cay shook his head and took a long swig of caf, shedding the dark thoughts like a cloak.  “What do we know?”
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Vong War Annals – “Calming the Storm” 4.14.08

             Cay Bel Iblis let himself into his chief engineer’s garage workshop, pausing a moment to regard the maelstrom taking place.  Davil Bullian was throwing things for no good reason, it seemed, banging around and rummaging for tools where they clearly were not located.  In the nearly nineteen years they’d known each other, he’d never seen his longtime friend with an expression quite like the one he was sporting at present.  Davil didn’t acknowledge him-didn’t even seem to notice his presence-as he finally stopped at his workbench, where some bit of technology lay in pieces.  He was muttering to himself as he reached out, groping for a tool that lay just beyond his reach.

            “Stupid Dad…coming home…bastard…”

            Cay shook his head, leaning against a shelving unit near the door.  “Don’t hold back, tell me how you really feel.”

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