Vong War Annals – “Futilities” 3.29.2009

            Her throat was so tight, she felt like she couldn’t breathe.  Arilyn squeezed her eyes shut against the tears welling up, hands clutching at her pillowcase, balling into fists.  I can’t just let it happen.  I can’t just let it happen.  But I have to, don’t I?  Don’t I?  But I can’t just let him…
            She choked on a sob, shaking her head hard.  “What if it’s not real?  What if it’s not real and I stop him from doing something good?”  She grabbed her pillow, held it against her face, screamed into it—screamed for so long that she was out of breath when the lights came on in her room.
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Vong War Annals – “Eighty-six” 3.28.2009

            It would surprise some to know that Carlos DeLong found equally distasteful both of the communiques loaded on his datapad. The first was the news about Jinx Katarn. They had not been ‘friends’, not precisely… but still at times comrades, sword-brothers in the old way. A pity that he could not go to the memorial himself, or even send a representative: the contents of the second communique forbade that.
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