Vong War Annals – “Gubernatorial flirtations” 5.18.08


           “You’re moping.”
            “I’m not moping.”
            Tegan Dargan-Cannele rolled her eyes, levering herself off the doorframe and moving toward her husband, who drifted aimlessly, rearranging papers in his small office on Kartuiin.  “You’re moving papers back and forth that didn’t need moving in the first place.  What’s chewing on you, Alek?”

            “You know, I hate it when Command approves half a request.”  He tossed a reader onto the desk and scrubbed a hand over his face.
            “Does this have anything to do with you poaching my advisor?”  The governor of the Kartuiin Sector smiled wryly and eased forward to kiss her husband lightly.  “What did they spring on you this time, sweetheart?”
            “Well, they gave me your advisor but won’t let her replace me.”  He grimaced, lacing his fingers through her hair a moment before tilting his head back.  “Makes it hard to stay here when the hub is there.”
            “I could always relocate,” she offered in mock-seriousness.
            “The sector council would have a conniption.”  He rested his forehead against hers, sliding his arms around her.  “I’m going to have to go back.”
            “Of course you’re going to have to go back.”
            He blinked, drawing back and staring at her, head cocked to one side.  “You’re not going to argue with me about it?  Not going to fight me on it?”
            Tegan smiled sadly, reaching up to stroke his cheek.  “How can I?  They had claims on you long before I staked mine, Alek, and the Republic needs you where it’s going to need you.  I knew that when I married you, and we both knew when I ran for governor that we might end up separated for long stretches.”
            “We didn’t expect another war, though.”  He sighed quietly, kissing her forehead and hugging her tightly.  “I guess you’re right.”
            “Of course I’m right, Alek.”  One hand snuck up his back, under shirt and jacket, strong fingers kneading at tense muscles.  “I’ll call in the morning to make the arrangements for your flight back to Xenen.”
            “I can take care of it.”
            She dug her nails in a little.  “I know.  But I want to take care of it for you.”
            “You’re still trying to spoil me.”
            “Succeeding, my love, succeeding.”  Tegan grinned, rising on tip-toe to kiss him hard and fully.  “They can have you tomorrow, or the day after.  Today, you’re mine.”
            He smiled a little.  “Skipping the theatre, then?”
            “I’m thinking so.”  She tilted her head to one side, an impish smile crossing her face.  “There’s still that café down in the city.  The one where a professional researcher bought me a crawler and a cup of caf.”
            Alek raised a brow, grinning.  “Should I be jealous of this researcher?”
            “Maybe.  He really was quite dashing.  Had a flare for the dramatic, though, so maybe you don’t need to worry too much.”
            “Oh yes,” he laughed, “because I’m just so completely understated.  Caf and crawlers it is, and then home to bed?”
            “Mmm.”  She hugged him tightly.  “Yes.  Then home to bed.”

~ Erin

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